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Saturday, August 20, 2011


A very pretty woman, wife, and mother went on a deserved holiday for two weeks. Upon arrival in her home, she fainted.
She was very depressed when she woke up in the hospital and looked very stunned.

The doctor was called in, and she was asked, what possible cause could be adduced for her fainting.

All she could do initially was sigh deeply, shake her head while looking at her husband and  point in the direction of  a distraught maid.

Then she, now to be referred to as 'Madam' began what could best be described a cross examination with the maid called Risi.

Madam: What did i say when i met you on my arrival in the house?
Risi:   You said 'how are you?' ma,
Madam:  And your response was?
Risi:  I said ' very fine ma, we could not wait for you to be back.'
Madam:  Then i asked  you 'hope you did not run out of any food stuff?'
Risi: Yes ma and i answered you ' no ma'
Madam: OK. When i asked for my husband , what did you say?
Risi:  I said,  ' thank God you are now here. Daddy really missed you so much,  in fact mummy , do not say i told you o, daddy has been sleeping around.'

The woman turned to the doctor, and in anguish confessed that, that was the last she knew.

With a sigh of relief, the husband moved closer to her  and explained what he felt the maid meant by him sleeping around.  He narrated that while she was away, he missed her to pieces and could not bare to sleep on the bed they both shared alone.

At first, he slept on the couch in their room for a few days, then laid on the rug next, before going on the lounger in the sitting room. Finally, he slept the last three days in the guest room.

The maid agreed totally because that was what she summarised.

Who is sicker,the maid, the wife or the husband?

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